Dartmouth General Hospital (DGH) Foundation Celebrates Million Dollar Gift from Gasparetto Family

Dartmouth, NS – December 18, 2024 – Today the Dartmouth General Hospital (DGH) Foundation announced a million-dollar gift from the Gasparetto family, in honour of Danilo and Renato Gasparetto – founders of the Cherubini Group of Companies.  This monumental donation will provide critical funding for the acquisition of leading-edge equipment and technology supporting innovation and exceptional care at DGH.

Arriving in Nova Scotia from Italy in the late 1960’s, the Gasparetto family members worked together in growing Cherubini Metal Works into the largest steel fabrication company in Atlantic Canada. Over the years they have grown into the Cherubini Group of Companies, with over 500 employees, they are responsible for having helped in the building of many structures in Atlantic Canada, the Northeastern United States and the Caribbean, as well as over 100 bridges across North America.

“Our families are proud to connect communities with not only the bridges and structures we build, but also with this donation that will positively impact and support the work being done at DGH and the people that live here in HRM, specifically in Dartmouth where our companies have been located for over 55 years,” said Michael Gasparetto.

Dr. Natalie Cheng, Medical Site Lead, DGH comments, “A gift of this size is extraordinary. We applaud the Gasparetto family and their remarkable success story that has been almost sixty years in the making. Maintaining leading edge health related equipment and technology takes a significant investment and this gift will allow us to advance health care.”

“We are truly honoured that the Gasparetto family has chosen to support DGH,” says Stephen Harding, President and CEO, DGH Foundation. “Our hallways are filled with stories of connecting people with world class care and this gift from the Gasparetto family will ensure we “bridge” communities, cases, and patients together with leading edge programs and care.”

It was a mobile crane from R&D Crane, one of the Cherubini Groups companies, that placed the 25,000-pound DGH Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine into place last December. In recognition of this gift, the MRI Suite will be renamed “The Gasparetto Family MRI Suite” and showcase the family’s history and immigration story from Europe to Canada.

About Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation:

The Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation’s (DGH Foundation) sole mission is to support innovation and exceptional care at the Dartmouth General by connecting with those who believe in the Dartmouth General and the communities it serves.

Since its inception, the DGH Foundation has invested over $60 million in new equipment, facilities, and programs at Dartmouth General. Generous donors supported Dartmouth General’s expansion by helping the DGH Foundation raise more than $13 million, leveraging $137 million provided by the provincial government.

Allowing for the purchase of Dartmouth General’s first MRI unit, enhancing the emergency department, acquiring high-priority equipment, further developing the Fred Smithers Orthopedic Centre of Care, advancing health equity for our communities, and infrastructure changes that will improve the overall patient experience.

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