When your hospital proves itself to be a positive force, does it stop, or keep going? Dartmouth General Leads On!


Orthopedic Robot Technology at DGH

The first total hip replacement surgery in Canada using the Mako SmartRobotics™ System has been completed by Dr. Jennifer Leighton at the Fred Smithers Centre for Orthopedic Care at the Dartmouth General Hospital.

Dartmouth General’s First MRI

The Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation and our community are currently fundraising for the cost of the MRI unit. This contribution will be matched by the Provinces $3.9 million donation, covering the cost of construction and operation.

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Thanks to our generous donors, engaged volunteers and dedicated staff, we have leveraged government funding to create the hospital Dartmouth, HRM and Nova Scotia deserve. Support the Lead On Campaign today!




The Dartmouth General Hospital has been given a new role – an important one, one vital to healthcare in the Halifax Regional Municipality and beyond. Thanks to our generous donors, engaged volunteers and dedicated staff, we have leveraged government funding to create the hospital Dartmouth, HRM and Nova Scotia deserve.

Now we want to build on that progress and further empower our talented and committed physicians, nurses and medical care staff to provide the very best care while extending professionalism, kindness and understanding to all patients and families we serve.

To do so, we want to collaborate with our donors and our community. There are many opportunities to get involved and have a true impact. We hope that you will join us in continuing to power change and excellence at Dartmouth General Hospital.

Join us, become a leader today!


State of the Art MOSES Holmium Laser to Transform Prostate Care at Dartmouth General Hospital.

The Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation helped bring the HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) to Dartmouth General Hospital – the first hospital in Atlantic Canada to offer the procedure.

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The Dartmouth General will be getting its first MRI, increasing HRM’s imaging capacity by 400 scans per month or nearly 5,000 scans per year.

Today, the wait time for a non-urgent MRI in HRM is almost one year, well-exceeding the national standard. Many patients in HRM now must travel up to 150 kilometres away to receive an MRI scan, resulting in significant delays in diagnosis and treatment. In emergency situations, patients would no longer need to be transported to Halifax for an MRI scan, saving time, money, and possibly lives.

Without question, the need for a new MRI is immediate and of high priority.

Improvements in our Emergency Department will reflect best practices to care for our aging population and patients experiencing mental health issues, as well as provide culturally inclusive care and a welcoming space for all members of our communities. These are enhancements include:
• Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Project – reducing wait times
and offering care sooner for our elderly patients
• Upgraded stretchers and furniture for patient comfort
• Mental health support space and connection to mental
health professionals

Dartmouth General is creating a new Pelvic Health Suite, located
within DGH’s Outpatient Centre, to focus on urology and gynecology services. The Pelvic Health Suite will be the new home to cystoscopy and hysteroscopy procedures and will support increased patient comfort, reduce wait times, and promote efficiencies within the departments of urology and gynecology.

Continued Orthopedic Innovation at DGH.

Our innovation-minded orthopedic team is always
looking at the potential to operate more efficiently
and effectively. Two projects have been identified that
will help to reduce wait times, improve surgical outcomes
for orthopedic patients, and align with the hospital’s goal of
excellence as its standard of care.

Community Programs and African Nova Scotian Healthcare Bursaries.
The Dartmouth General is a collection of ethnicities and cultures, both in the people who work here and in the communities we serve. Our diversity leaves us well-positioned to address disparities and to be a leader in developing healthcare equity initiatives for our communities.

The Enhanced Patient Experience Fund will support high impact projects at Dartmouth General that create positive
experiences for patients, their families, visitors, and
hospital staff. There are several common areas that
would greatly benefit from a redesign, including Common Area Upgrades, and a Terrace/Garden Expansion.