Online Donations
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As a cardiologist here at the Dartmouth General Hospital, please allow me to share with you an insider’s look into one of the lesser known but vital areas of the Dartmouth General Hospital.
If you’ve ever visited the 4-West unit of the Hospital, not only would you have been treated to a splendid view of Halifax harbour, but you would have encountered the exceptional team that provides 24-hour care to our cardiovascular patients. It is in this unit that we care for patients from our community with confirmed or suspected cardiovascular disease, often being admitted for monitoring and treatment from the emergency department, having suffered a heart attack, heart failure, abnormal cardiac rhythm, or stroke.
Hospitalization with any of these entities is particularly high risk and being able to monitor their cardiac rhythm is vital. The two pieces of equipment that are essential to 4-West are Telemetry monitors and Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors, and ours here at the DGH are in urgent need of an upgrade!
I’ve been a Cardiologist here at the Dartmouth General for 18 years, and I have watched Nova Scotians rally around the needs of our community and hospital many times, and I would like to thank you for all your incredible support to date. Earlier this year, with your help, the hospital was able to purchase the Atlantic Region’s first Moses 2.0 Holmium Laser. This state-of-the-art piece of equipment is already in use at the DGH, providing same-day surgeries for patients suffering from enlarged prostate. Thank you!
Today, I ask that we come together once again to bring the new Telemetry and ECG monitors that are needed to help us provide the best possible cardiac patient care at the Dartmouth General.
Telemetry monitoring allows us to identify potentially dangerous cardiac rhythms that may place our patients at risk. Once we detect these abnormal rhythms, we can immediately start treatments that can prevent stroke, heart failure, loss of consciousness and even death. Telemetry can also allow us to monitor the effect of these treatments in patients with known abnormal heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation. The hospital’s current Telemetry system can support up to 12 patients at a time, however, it is now a decade old and is at end-of-life,
meaning that there will be no further upgrades or maintenance. The current system is also no longer able to keep up with the increased needs of our patients and lacks data capacity.
With your help, we can take cardiac patient care at the DGH from good to great with a new Telemetry system that will support 16 patients at a time and record and store more than ten times the data than our current system holds!
Like telemetry, electrocardiograms (ECGs) can demonstrate abnormal heart rhythms and can also identify patients having a heart attack or who may be at high risk of having one. 12-lead ECGs have been a cornerstone in assessing cardiac patients for almost a century and continue to be a rapid and non-invasive tool that we use every day. The 12-lead ECGs provide more information than telemetry and are done individually and generally require a portable machine operated by a nurse or a cardiology technologist. At the moment, we do not have enough ECG machines in the hospital to meet the needs of our growing and aging population.
Your support today will enable the purchase of an additional ECG monitor, ensuring that we have the equipment we need for our cardiac patients, when we need it!
If you’re ready to donate today below is a donation form. You may choose to designate your gift to the Cardiac Monitoring Equipment on 4-West, which will be matched for double the impact, or to where the need is greatest. If you wish to make your donation by phone please call us at 902-460-4149.
We also have a monthly donation program for those who would prefer to support the hospital on an ongoing basis, while helping us reduce fundraising and administrative costs. When you confirm monthly giving, a set amount will be withdrawn from your bank account or credit card on the 1st or 15th of each month. You can modify or cancel your gift at any time.
We are so grateful for your support! Your generosity continues to help us provide the best possible care for our community, and beyond!
With gratitude,
Dr. Jason Yung, Cardiologist, Dartmouth General Hospital
P.S. Exciting news! The first $20,000 in donations for this technology will be MATCHED by an Anonymous Donor who cares about cardiology. Be one of the first to activate the donor match!
Make a secure donation online. Click here to donate online today.
Your ongoing monthly donation can make a significant contribution to the hospital. Monthly Giving can be made through your credit card or preauthorized debit payments. Donations are eligible for tax receipts which are issued at year-end.
Securities, including publicly listed stocks, bonds, and mutual funds may be donated directly to the DGH Foundation. If you transfer them directly rather than sell them and donate the proceeds, you will eliminate any capital gains tax otherwise owed. You will also receive a valuable tax credit for the full value of the securities.
Making an In Memoriam Gift to honour the memory of a friend or loved one provides a legacy of care for others.
Special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries can take on new significance with a tribute gift to the Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation.
Leaving a Gift in your Will includes various strategic methods, such as gifts of stock or leaving a gift in your will to make a substantial contribution outside of your discretionary income. Click here to find out more.
Learn more about our upcoming events, or how to hold a fundraiser yourself by clicking here
Employee giving is an exciting way to make a gift that shows you are proud of the exceptional care provided at the Dartmouth General every day. Your donation will help put the latest tools and technology in the hands of our skilled team. Learn how you can give here.
Donate your vehicle to Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation to raise funds for us. Click here to find out more.
Please contact us at 902-460-4149 or by email at for any questions you may have.